Friday, February 4, 2011

The Storm That Shut Texas Down seems like every winter we have a winter storm that shuts us down for a day. Maybe 2. Maybe! It usually melts by the same afternoon.

Well...this one takes the cake! 4 freaking days! Are you kidding me?! I can't remember a time a place SHUT DOWN for so long due to weather. Keep in mind, I lived in MICHIGAN for 4 years! We had snow by the foot there. And yes, it did slow you down for a day or 2.

Texas can not handle this weather. At all! I think our state needs to invest in some better/more snow equipment. This is just ridiculous. The kids haven't been to school in 4 days. Which means I haven't left my apartment since my doctors appointment on Monday. Ahhh! I'm seriously going insane.

This is what we woke up to on Tuesday morning...

THICK ice! The "roads" were like an ice skating rink. Not passable what so ever. So it'll melt right? Wrong! Let's add the coldest temperatures in possibly Texas history. When I woke up Tuesday morning it was in the single digits and felt like -2!! So did not melt. It hasn't melted.

So let's add this on top of the ice...

And this is what we woke up to this morning! Yep! That's about 5 inches of snow. Probably more. So much for the light dusting the weather people predicted. Now we have ice PLUS 5+ inches of snow on top of it.
If we were in any other state that actually sees snow, this would have been taken care of on day 1. No big deal! BUT because live in Texas we have been trapped for 4 days.

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