Sorry, the spacing is still messed up and I don't know how to fix it. Annoyed. Anyway...I'm 24 weeks pregnant now. Yay 6 months! This week little Mason is the size of corn (12.5 inches) and weighs 1.25 pounds. His respiratory system is rapidely growing; his lungs lungs are developing in preparation for breathing by moving amniotic fluid in and out. Go Mason go!
I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday. It went really well. Little Mason is right on track. We heard his heartbeat and that was great too. So everything is wonderful. I have another one towards the end of this month (april). At that one I have to do the test for gestational diabetes. I don't think it's going to be as bad as everyone says it is. At least I hope not. I just have to drink this super sugary drink and then an hour later have my blood drawn. Apparently not many women handle the drink very well though; they throw up and/or pass out after drinking it. I think I'll be ok.
Mason is kicking harder and harder. The other day I was able to see him kicking for the first time. It was so great, I loved it.
Well that's all I can think of for now. Check back next week for my 25 weeks update : )
Wow what a couple! Both are looking so cute and you are looking adorable in your pregnancy time. I remember when i was pregnant my baby kicks very harder sometimes i feel pain in my belly.Please keep posting!
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