Yes...we're back! As you can assume my doctors appointment on Thursday did not go as well as we had hoped...
I mentioned before that I had an ultrasound and nst on Thursday (the 30th). The ultrasound was great! We had the good tech this time and I got some real cute pictures (I wish I could share them on here but I don't have access to the scanner...bummer!). Mason was weighing in at 6 pounds 13 ounces which is the 59th percentile and 6 days ahead of his due date. He looked great and was even practice breathing.
After my ultrasound, I had an NST (which is just where they put 2 monitors on my belly to measure Mason's heartrate and if I'm contracting; they also give me a button to press each time he moves). They took my blood pressure before they started the test and it was high, the nurse hooked me up to everything and said she would be back to take my blood pressure in 10 minutes. We were hoping it would go down. 10 minutes later Mason was not moving up so the nurse gave me some apple juice. I drank that and he still wasn't moving around. She took my blood pressure again and it was even higher (suprise? not so much).
My doctor was actually not working that day but she just so happened to be in the hospital charting when all this was going on. When the nurse told her my BP was still high she came and said she was going to put me in the hospital (again). This time for at least 24 hours though so she could monitor everything for a longer period of time. She also wanted me to do another 24 hour urine collection (UGH).
My mom took me to the hospital this time. I wanted Jason to stay at work cause I figured we were going to have another non-eventful stay. He's missed enough work because of me. Thank goodness I have my momma! Thanks mom!
When we first got there my BP was still too high and stayed that way for several hours before it slowly dropped. As long as I was laying in that awful bed it was down but when I got it it shot back up.
A tech from the lab came and drew my blood (they going to run out of places to draw blood/poke) and we started the urine collection around 6:10 pm. No IV this time! YAY!
Dr. Halderman came and saw us Friday afternoon. She decided that it wasn't worth discharging me anymore cause I was probably just going to end up back in the hospital. She is going to keep me here until next Thursday (the 7th) and then induce me. If my blood pressure goes high again then we'll have him sooner. So we're going to have a baby in less than a week! Which is really exiciting and really scary at the same time!
The nurses switched the labor bed with a postpartum bed...thank goodness! That labor bed is awful! I literally got no sleep on Thursday night. I'm not kidding...I didn't sleep at all. I was so exhausted. The pospartum bed is more like a regular bed. Sooooo much more comfortable!!! I also got to shower and change into my own jammies. It's amazing what a shower and your own clothes can do for you. I immediately felt better!
Sooo we're here at the hospital and we're gonna be here for a while. Pretty bored but we understand this is the best place for all of us.