Where did September go? Seriously...I can't believe the last week of the month is almost here. The sad part is, I don't even really remember the past month LOL! Kind of a blur...
Anyway! It's been a while since I had the chance to update. I'm going to do this in 2 posts. This one will be explaining everything and the next will be pictures. Not sure when I'll get to the picture one...so I'll just say eventually. I'm sure all you mommys understand.
Mason is almost 3 months old now. Way to keep everyone updated, right? He will be 3 months old on October 7th. That's 2 weeks away. Technically he will be 12 weeks next Thursday but 3 months on the 7th. Confusing!
He is doing so much better with the reflux. He still spits up a bunch here and there but not every feeding. Woo hoo! I can also tell he is not in pain anymore. Everyone once in a while it will flare up but those ocasions and few and far between, thank goodness! So yay for prevacid!
Mason smiles now! His adorable baby smiles just melt my heart. I seriously cired the first time he smiled at me. Makes me forget all the hard stuff. Most of the time he will just open his mouth really big at you and he thinks he's smiling. It's adorable. He has also officially laughed at me. Cutest thing in the world! He also does this thing where he makes these sort of coughing noises...which I'm pretty sure are him trying to laugh. I love when he's happy!
Let me think...what else? He's doing great with nursing. He used to nurse for and hour+. Now he's a quick eater and will nurse for about 20-30 minutes. Love it! He's not pulling or scratching as much either when he does nurse. I believe that would be thanks to the prevacid and patience. A lot of patience. I knew nursing was doing to be hard but not this hard! There were a few times where I had to give myself a serious pep talk in order to not quit. I got through those times and now it's basically smooth sailing. You just gotta get through it. And know that you can and will get through it AND you are doing what's best for your baby and yourself! I really admire moms that breastfeed their babies. You go breastfeeding moms!
As for me, I'm feeling pretty good! I'm back down a bit below my pre-pregnancy weight. I don't feel like I look I did before I was pregnant though lol. My body is so different now. It's so true when ladies say your body will never be the same. I think I have about 10 more pounds to lose before I can be confident in my body image again. I hate being so self conscious. It's all part of the terriotry of being a new mom though. Breastfeeding has really helped me drop the pounds.
Mason had his 2 month well visit 2 weeks ago. Here are the stats from that:
Weight: 12 pounds 5 ounces (67%)
Height: 23 1/2 (62%)
Head Circ: 15 3/4 (44%)
Hello big baby boy! As you can see, he's a bit above the norm on eveything except his head circ. I can't believe how much he's grown! Insane! He even graduated to size 2 diapers last Sunday! It makes me feel really good to know that I basically got him to that weight and height because I'm breastfeeding and what not. His doctor is always really happy with me.
He got 2 shots at that appointment. Pretty sure he handled it better then I did! He only cried a little, maybe a few seconds. Once I picked him up he was happy and I think he even smiled. What a brave little man!
He goes back in November for a 4 month well visit.
Jason has been working hard! He works full time and goes to school as well. Today we found out he was accepted to The University of Texas at Arlington. I am so proud of him! He will be taking army ROTC as well as other classes (civil engineering). He's decided he wants to be in the Army. I fully support him in this decision and could not be more proud of him. We're hoping to get an ROTC scholarship to pay for school and books etc. After school he will be a civil engineer in the Army. WAY TO GO JASON!
Both of my parents were in the Army. I have always had so much respect for anyone that joins the service (any branch). My dad is thrilled to finally have one of his kids in the Army! It's always been a dream of Jason's to be in the Army, so I'm very excited he gets to fulfil that. Of course a part of me worries about him being deployed one day BUT I'm just going to take it one day at a time and not worry about that until I have to. If I ever have to.
We survived the oppresive summer of 2011. Man that was brutal! I think the weather guy said it was the hotest summer ever recorded...or something like that. I believe it! I never want to have to go through another summer like that. Pray for rain! We need it...BAD! It's finally starting to cool off now. Mason and I are definitely enjoying our daily morning walks. Gotta love that fresh morning air.
Halloween is coming up. We still don't know what we're going to dress Mason as. I can't wait to take him trick-or-treating! So fun!
Well I think that's all my mind can remember for now! Sorry it's so unorganized. I'll add if I remember anything! Hope everyone is doing well! HAPPY FALL! God bless!