Sorry I haven't been keeping up with the blog lately. As you can see from my last post, it's been a difficult few weeks. 3 weeks and 3 trips to the hospital now...not fun. I'll try and remember everything but there is so much I'm bound to forget something.
Bedrest basically sucks. Simple as sucks. You would think it would be nice; you get to lay in bed or sit all day and do nothing. I hate it. I just want to go out and do something! I'm so sick of be cooped up all day long. Everyone keeps telling to use this time to rest and what not. Trust me people....if I could rest I would! Sleep is a distant memory now. Not to mention whenever I do fall asleep I wake up because I have to pee. And I am so freaking uncomfortable ALL the time now. I have to switch positions every few minutes. I know I'm doing this for the well being on my son but really it's getting harder and harder each day.
Saturday night (May 28th) I started having contractions again. These were different though, they were actually painful. Before they were just uncomfortable. So we waited 2 hours before we decided to call the doctor. She told us to go to L&D...big surprise. So off we went. We're regulars there now. Got there around 11:30 pm and all checked in and in the hospital bed by about midnight.
I wasn't dialated but my cervix was soft and I was having contractions every 2 minutes. They did a test to check for pre-term labor (again) and it came back positive (again). So they started and IV (again...I'm gonna start looking like a junkie lol) to try and get the contractions to stop. They also put pain medicine and a muscle relaxer in the IV. I was actually very thankful for the pain medicine this time around. Before I thought it was silly that they gave it to me, I really didn't need it. I needed it this time.
The contractions did not stop (again). I was so scarred they were going to do the magnesium sulfate again. I seriosuly don't know if I can handle that stuff again. So awful! When the nurse came in and said they were going to try a medicine called terbutaline, I was basically jumping for joy! She said she would give 3 shots of it over the course of a few hours. It's funny...I've been poked so many times I didn't even feel the needle go in (my arm). I did feel the medicine going in though, that burned/stung a lot. I didn't wasn't magnesium sulfate.
I was in and out of sleep the rest of the night. It was so strange the first muscle relaxer they gave me made me so tired and loopy and then the terbutaline made my heart rate very fast (it kept setting off the monitor) and made me shakey. Strange combination. Considering the circumstances I slept very well though.
The terbutaline took a few hours longer but worked. The contractions slowed around 4 am and eventually stopped. I didn't mind that it took longer...I'll take that over the mag. any day!! My doctor came and checked on me around 7 am. That was really nice of her because she wasn't even on call that day but she still came. I really appreciated that. Since my contractions had stopped she said she would get the paper work ready for me to go home. Yay!
We ended up getting home around 8 am ish. I think. I don't even really remember. The time is all blurring together. We went straight to bed and didn't wake up till 12:30 ish! That loopy medicine that knocks me out really stuck with me the whole day. I was exhausted and ended up sleeping most of the day. It also makes me really really really cranky. Sorry Jason!
Since then we've only had 1 close call. Wednesday night (June 1st) I started having really painful contractions around 11 pm. They never formed a pattern though. Super random. They would be 2 minutes apart then 5 minutes apart then 11 minutes apart then stop then start again. I really didn't want to go to the hospital and since they were not consistant we waited and they eventually stopped on there own. I didn't fall asleep until around 4 am that night though. So sleepy!
Hmmm...what else. Mason has been kicking like crazy! I think he's mad that he's running out of room in there so he takes it out on my sides. Little cutie! Whenever I see a baby I get so excited and just want my baby! But he needs to stay put till at least 34 weeks. He would be ok if he came now, but so small and would have to be in the NICU for a while. I just want him to be healthy. We're hoping he stays put till June 25th. We're planning on doing maternity pictures that day and it's also our 1 year wedding anniversary. Jason is planning a date (so excited!).
I sent Jason to Target the other day to get the stuff for our hospital bag and Mason's diaper bag. We decided it was time to pack that thing. He did so good! I felt so bad, he had to get so much girly things (you know what I'm taking about). What a trooper! He also got all the stuff we didn't have for Mason. Now we're basically prepared.'s all in a crazy mess BUT at least we have all the stuff. I can't wait to organize his room soon. Then I'll feel prepared. I think the only thing we don't have now is baby lotion and shampoo.
Jason got me the CUTEST diaper bag! I love it. It's a giraffe print with lime green trim. It's really big too, so it'll fit everything! I did some shopping on eBay (of all places) and got some super cute diaper bag accessories (pacifier pod, wipe case, diaper pouch, etc.). If you're looking for super cute, super cheap homemade baby stuff, look on eBay! I found so much! I also got my nursing cover on there. It's by Hooter Hiders HAHA love the name. I love it! It has these cute ruffles. I'll have to take pictures once everything comes in.
This is random BUT I love smelling Mason's CLEAN, UNUSED diapers. They smell SO GOOD! Like a little baby. That's probably why I love the smell so much. My motherly senses lol. Jason also got me deodorant that smells like baby powder and I want to sniff it all day. Everytime I get a wiff of it I get so excited HAHA! Also....his diapers are SO SMALL! It's so fun to think that soon his little baby booty will be in those diapers. So so so so so excited!
I had my baby shower on May 21st. I'll make a separate post about that though.
I think that's all I've got for now. I'll try and keep this thing updated from now on....
Such a cute post. Haha - love it!