Friday, June 10, 2011

33 Weeks Pregnant!

We made it to 33 weeks! Only a little less than 1 week until they won't stop the contractions if they start again. So we could very well have our son in a little less than a week. Crazy thought! My mom thinks he's going to come the last weekend of this month (so somewhere between June 24-27). We'll see if she's right!

It's been a pretty quiet week. My mom went to Ohio to spend some time with her mom, so we had to send LuLu to stay with one of her friends until she gets back since I can't take care of her that the moment (bed rest). It's just been me and Dixie (the other dog) and the 2 cats all day. It gets pretty lonely and way to quiet!

I so wish I was in Ohio with my mom. I'm definitely not allowed to with this bedrest though. I miss my grandma so much!! She lives out in the middle of no where and it's so peaceful. I don't think I would be allowed to fly anyway, even if I wasn't on bedrest. Plus it probably wouldn't be the smartest idea to go that far away so close to the end of my pregnancy. I still wish I could have gone though...

As far as contractions go, it's been good. A few here and there but nothing consistent or very painful. Until today. I've been having them on and off all day but they never form a pattern. Definitely having more than normal though. I'm not really worried yet. Just kinda nervous that it's only the beginning.

I've been getting little headaches this week. I had a migraine on Tuesday but was able to take something and sleep it off. Since then it seems like I've been having a minor headache every day. Nothing I have to take medicine for, just a little painful annoyance. Here's to hoping those go away.

Yesterday I had this really weird pain in the left side. It felt like someone was stabbing me! It really hurt! But as the day went on it happened less and less and today I haven't felt it at all. It also decreased with the more fluids I drank. Sooo I'm not really sure what the heck that was. Weird.

I am SOOOOO uncomfotable. I seriously have yet to find a comfortable position to sit or lay in. Everytime I think I may have found one, 10 minutes later I'm uncomfortable again and have to move. Mason is up in my ribs or something and it hurts so bad plus it's really hard to breath. Oh the joys of pregnancy!

I think I've kinda figured out a way to sleep better at night. As much as I hate it...I don't take naps anymore. And I stay up until 11:30 pm-12:30 am. Late (for me...I used to go to bed around 10-10:30 pm)! But it's the only way I can get myself to sleep through the night. The only time I get up is to pee. So depending on how much water I drank before bed, that ranges between 2-6 times. So far it seems to be working, I sleep through most nights (kinda).

Mason seems to be doing great! He had crazy hic ups all day today. I think he doesn't like hic ups because everytime he has them he kicks really really hard! Like he's frustrated or something.

Everyday we get more and more excited to meet the little guy. Also nervous. I still don't feel prepared at all. Scary! I just keep hoping he likes me and I'm a good mom.

We are taking a breastfeeding class on Monday. That should be very informative. I have no idea what to do sooo it should help a ton on getting us prepared for that.

I was totally going to update yesterday (when I was officially 33 weeks; my weeks switch every Thursday) BUT the at&t people were here "fixing" a cable and totally wiped out our internet AND phone AND tv. So we had literally nothing! It was like the electricity was off...except we had lights. So boring! Last night after they killed everything they just left. They said it was because they "ran out of time" but I'm pretty sure that translates into they wanted to go watch the Mavs game. They came back this morning and after a day and a half we finally got it all back. Sooo I tried guys...maybe next week I'll actually get to update on time.

Check back for more updates : )


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