I had a routine OB appaointment today...at 7:30 in the morning! Holy cow, it's been a while since I've had to actually wake up. It was weird though. I think Mason knew we had an appointment or something because he woke me up at 6 am kicking up a storm. Which actually helped me get my butt out of bed on time. Sooo thanks son! But for real, I didn't even know doctor's offices opened that early! I guess when they see a billion patients (maybe a slight exageration) a day they have to though.
We were our doctor's first appointment of the morning, so there was so running late, which was great! Jason was able to come to the appointment and make it to work on time at 8:30 and everything. So that was awesome!
We got there, and only had to wait maybe 5 minutes. They weighed me. I've only gained 1 pound since my last appointment...YAY! That was 2 weeks ago. I'm supposed to be gaining a pound or 2 a week, so I guess that would put me a little behind but my doctor didn't seem concerned, so neither am I.
I left a urine sample...which I am a pro at now if I may say so myself. Some people may find this gross but whatever, don't read it then. Seriously, I am so good at peeing in a cup now. I guess that's because I have to do it at every single appointment. I have it down to an art!
My blood pressure was good; 128/63. It's had been high but now it seems to be normal. Thank goodness! Don't want to worry about preeclampsia! Seriously scary stuff. Plus they would take away my salt privileges. I don't think I could live without salt. I may be addicted to it. Which is bad, I know.
Then we met with Dr. Halderman. She made sure I was doing allright following the bed rest rules and all that. She asked about how I'm sleeping. What sleep? I am sleeping so bad. She said I could take tylenol PM. This excites me so much, but I don't know if I ever would take it. Maybe if I was super tired and just could not sleep. As a last resort. It's nice to know I can take some kind of sleep aid though.
She said I have to follow strict bed rest rules until I'm 36 weeks now instead of 34 weeks. I am so bummed about this, I could cry. I was so looking forward to being able to go to a movie or a restaurant in just about a week and two days. Now I have to wait about 3 more weeks. My first outing will be on our 1 year wedding anniversary, so that makes me ever more EXCITED for it! I seriously can't wait. So for now it's still "house arrest"...I mean bed rest.
Dr. Halderman also told us the rules change at 34 weeks. We don't have to go to L&D if I have 4 contractions in an hour after that. We only go if I think I'm actually in labor. At that point they wouldn't try and stop the contractions. So if Mason decides he wants to come out after June 16th, he's gonna get what he wants.
We listened to the little man's heartbeat for a bit, and then got a good to go. It's funny though, everytime I have a doctor's appointment, sometime within that week I end up in the hospital. We'll see what happens this time!
At checkout I got all of my appointment scheduled out until my due date. I go back twice more every 2 weeks and then after that every week until I deliver. Having all those scheduled feels good. We're finally at that stage where I see the doctor more often...nearing the end! Feels more real now I guess.
It was so nice to get out, even if it was just to a doctor's appointment. I'll take any outing at this point!!
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