Hm. Well it's been a busy "weekend" (Saturday, Sunday & Monday). I'm just gonna jump right into it.
Saturday was our 1 year wedding anniversary. YAY! I'll make a seperate post with pictures about that later. I was kinda having contractions throughout the day but nothing out of the usual. Same old. Definitely nothing to worry about.
Something was out of the norm though...the contractions were increasing and getting more painful as the day went on. Weird....that never happened before. That night around 9 pm they got pretty painful and were about 4 minutes apart. That eventually decreased to 3 minutes apart. I tried to go to sleep, hoping they would just stop. They didn't and there was no way I was going to get any sleep. The pain was getting worse.
Around 2 am we decided it was time to call the doctor. I was in a fair amount of pain and it was becoming apparent that they weren't going to stop. We talked to the doctor on call, Dr. Banks, and she told us to head to L&D. Big surprise, right?
Off we went. I honestly thought this was the time we were actually going to have our son. The contractions felt different. It all felt different. I felt like something was actually happening. So we got there and into a room and all changed. They hooked me up to the monitors and sure enough I was contracting every 3 minutes. The monitor looked way different this time though. It actually looked like I was in labor. When the nurse checked my cervix I was 1 cm dialated and 50% effaced. Something was definitely happening.
When they took my blood pressure it was high. So they took it a few more times and it was still high. After a little bit, Dr. Banks came in and told us she thought we would not be leaving without our baby. At that point we got so excited!! Finally...we thought we were going to meet our son!
Dr. Banks wanted to see if my blood pressure was high due to the pain of the contractions so she gave me a shot of nubain (pain medicine). The nurse also had me lay on my side. Well....the nubain killed the contractions and my blood pressure came down to normal. They had a lab tech come up and took some of my blood to do some tests. They came back good. After an hour or 2 of basically nothing we were sent home...without our baby. Before we left the nurse checked my cervix again and I was still 1 cm but now 60% effaced.
We know the best place for him right now is right where he is, however to be told that we probably were going to have our child and then having nothing happen is very frustrating. Little did we know...this was only the beginning of the frustrations.
Dr. Banks also wanted me to do a 24 hour collection. Great fun. We got all the intructions for that before we left. That was not fun. Especially when you pee a billion times a day!
Yesterday (Monday) I got a headache that would not go away not matter what I did. This was one of the signs they told us to watch out for with high blood pressure. My mom and I went to CVS to use the blood pressure machine to see if we had a problem. Turns out my blood pressure was very high.
I called the doctor and she (Dr. Kidd this time) told us to go to L&D again. When we got there around 2 pm my blood pressure was still high. Our nurse was also named Sarah. She was so aggressive. It was very intimidating. She kept lecturing us about how we don't want to have our son yet blah blah blah. Thank you...we've heard it all before.
They had me lay on my side and once again my blood pressure went down. However as soon as a would get off my side, it would go right back up. They took my blood and did some tests on the 24 hour urine collection. Side note on the 24 hour urine test. It ended while we were at the hospital. The day before they told us just to bring it to the L&D nurses station when we finish. So Jason (bless his heart) brought it to them. Nurse Sarah told him he was supposed to take it. He deinitely wasn't. When he finally found the lab, he had to have a security gaurd take him though 2 locked doors. The lab people also told him the nurse was supposed to bring it. Another reason we were not too fond of nurse Sarah.
While waiting for the test results they decided to give my an IV (again) because they thought I might be dehydrated again. I definitely wasn't. I had drank a ton of fluids. That was so frustrating. They always try to blame everything on dehydration and it's never the case.
Around 7 pm there was a shift change and we got a new nurse. The new one was awesome and so nice. Not aggresive or rude at all! Finally we got the test results back and everything was "good". So we were discharged again. I was nervous because every single time I would get off my side my blood pressure would go up too high again. Dr. Kidd told me to stay laying down on my side at all times unless absolutely necessary to get up. That about threw me over the edge. I can't lay on my side forever! Here I was thinking that I was gonna be able to get off bedrest this Thursday but now they are telling me it's going to be even more strict. When we got home I just cried. I was at my breaking point.
I had a follow up appointment this morning. I was going to see the midwife and was not to thrilled about that because she does not know what going on. Thankfully, my doctor (Dr. Halderman) saw me in the hall and came to see exactly what was going on. She had been in surgery all day the day before and had not had a chance to talk to any of the other docotrs yet about what was going on. After we told her the whole story she went to figure out what was going on. She took over the appointment at that point. The nurse then came in and took my BP and it was still high.
After a few minutes she came back and checked my BP herself. It was still high. She then told me to continue bedrest (UGH). So I'm not going to be free as of Thursday. Not sure when I'm or if I'll be off bedrest. If this continues then she'll have me deliver at 37-38 weeks. So mid July. She also told us to get our own blood pressure cuff so we can monitor my BP at home.
She checked my cervix and I was still 1 cm and now 70% effaced. So it keeps increasing. That's good. Dr. Halderman also confirmed that he has most definitely dropped and is head down. That's great news!
I have an NST on Thursday. That's the test where they put the monitors on and just monitor him for a bit. And then another appointment next Tuesday. They were supposed to call me today to set up another appointment to check my BP once a week (so I'll be going in twice a week from now on until I deliver or my BP drops) but they never called. Don't know what's up with that...
We got the blood pressure cuff and have been monitoring my BP throughout the afternoon. It seemed to be doing exactly what it was at the hospital. It was fine when I was on my side but when I sat up it went up high. This evening it has been a bit better though.
So I have no idea what is going to happen at this point. If my blood pressure continues to be high when I'm up then we'll have our son in 1-2 but if it gets better all the time then we'll be going to full term. As of now I'm still on bedrest and we're just waiting to see what happens. We'll see........
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
35 Weeks Pregnant!
We made it another week! 35 weeks done 5 to go!
This week has been pretty quiet. Not too much to talk about about. Pretty much the same as last week.
Last night I started having cramps with a few contractions here and there. Nothing really to be worried about. No consistency. However, the contractions and cramping has continued all day today and is still happening. They still aren't consistent though. I don't know if anything will come of them or not.
My baby belly also looks a lot lower today. I think he may have dropped last night. Not sure, it could be the shirt I wore today. My mom and Jason think it looks lower too though.
I think Mason has been dancing in my rib cage. Ouch! Poor little guy feels just as squished as I do...possibly more.
One more week of bedrest and counting! YAY!! I seriously can not wait to go out! I'm hoping I can go swimming. I have been wanting to go swimming for weeks! I forgot to ask at my appointment, so I'll have to ask at the next one.
Like I said, everything is basically the same from last week. I can't really think of any changes. Sooo that's basically it. If I think of anything I'll post it in the next update. Hopefully by then there will be more to update on!!
Doctor's Appointment Update
Another good doctor's appointment!
My blood pressure has come down. In my second trimester it was hovering around 144/68 (normal is 120/80). That wasn't cool. It was 121/80 this time! Yay!
Dr. Halderman seems to think once I'm off bedrest (1 week and counting) I will go into labor and have him. She says since I'm 34 weeks now the only thing they will do if I start contracting is give me IV fluids and maybe demerol. If that doesn't work, then I get to have him! That's very exciting to me! Regardless, I only have 5 more weeks to go a.k.a. 35 days...if he decides to go to full term.
She said I can go off bedrest at 36 weeks. I just have to take it easy until 37 weeks. I'm so excited!! Seriously can not wait!
When she was using the doppler to measure his heartrate he had the hiccups and was kicking up a storm. So cute!
Ummm I think that's basically it. Short and sweet. I go back in 2 weeks.
My blood pressure has come down. In my second trimester it was hovering around 144/68 (normal is 120/80). That wasn't cool. It was 121/80 this time! Yay!
Dr. Halderman seems to think once I'm off bedrest (1 week and counting) I will go into labor and have him. She says since I'm 34 weeks now the only thing they will do if I start contracting is give me IV fluids and maybe demerol. If that doesn't work, then I get to have him! That's very exciting to me! Regardless, I only have 5 more weeks to go a.k.a. 35 days...if he decides to go to full term.
She said I can go off bedrest at 36 weeks. I just have to take it easy until 37 weeks. I'm so excited!! Seriously can not wait!
When she was using the doppler to measure his heartrate he had the hiccups and was kicking up a storm. So cute!
Ummm I think that's basically it. Short and sweet. I go back in 2 weeks.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Baby Classes
I'm going to do a short post about the baby classes we recently attended. Our hospital offers free classes to anyone that is going to deliver there. What a great opportunity! We were definitely not going to let it pass us by. Plus it was a good excuse for me to get out while still on bedrest! Even if it was just a classroom in the hospital...
Last Monday we took a breastfeeding class. A lot of people think there is nothing to breastfeeding. That it's easy and will just come naturally. Man are those people wrong. I have heard some pretty scary stories about the difficulties of breastfeeding. I am not letting it sway my decision to breastfeed my son though. It's best for him and also has benefits for me as well. Not to mention formula costs an arm and a leg.
I defintely recommend taking a breastfeeding class to anyone that is planning on breastfeeding their child! It was so informative. My hospital is very pro breastfeeding and is going to help me every single step of the the way to make sure I am successful. At the class we mostly learned the benefits and what not; not so much the positions. When I have him, the lacatation consultants will show me all the positions in post partum and help me with technique there. I really like this because we could have practiced with dolls all we wanted, I'm sure it's WAY different with an actualy newborn.
This past sunday we took a prepared childbirth class. It was from 9 am to 5 pm and let me tell you, we needed every second. We even stayed after for an optional infant CPR course. This class was awesome! We feel so much more prepared and not nearly has nervous as before. It basically covered everything; a short overview of what happens to the body during pregnancy, early signs of labor starting, stages of labor, birth, post partum, and basic newborn information.
My favorite part was getting to talk an anesthesiologist. I was a little nervous about getting an epidural before we talked to him. I knew I wanted to get one but the whole process kinda scared me. I'm not nervous at all now! I don't know why anyone wouldn't get one. The nurse teaching us said that almost all nurses and doctors are pro epidural now and they don't give awards to moms that decide to go all natural. I'm not bashing on mom's that do decide to go all natural. If you can go all natural...more power to ya! As for me I want to enjoy the birth of my son and not be withering in pain the entire time. I'm going to take full advantage of modern medicine.
They also took us on a detailed tour of L&D. We'd already been there 4 times sooo been there done that. But we did get to see the newborn nursery and NICU which we hadn't really seen before. That was cool. Jason will get to go there with Mason after he is born for his first bath and all that.
So the point is....if you're expecting, TAKE CLASSES!!! I am so happy I did and I know you will be too. 100% worth the time!!
Last Monday we took a breastfeeding class. A lot of people think there is nothing to breastfeeding. That it's easy and will just come naturally. Man are those people wrong. I have heard some pretty scary stories about the difficulties of breastfeeding. I am not letting it sway my decision to breastfeed my son though. It's best for him and also has benefits for me as well. Not to mention formula costs an arm and a leg.
I defintely recommend taking a breastfeeding class to anyone that is planning on breastfeeding their child! It was so informative. My hospital is very pro breastfeeding and is going to help me every single step of the the way to make sure I am successful. At the class we mostly learned the benefits and what not; not so much the positions. When I have him, the lacatation consultants will show me all the positions in post partum and help me with technique there. I really like this because we could have practiced with dolls all we wanted, I'm sure it's WAY different with an actualy newborn.
This past sunday we took a prepared childbirth class. It was from 9 am to 5 pm and let me tell you, we needed every second. We even stayed after for an optional infant CPR course. This class was awesome! We feel so much more prepared and not nearly has nervous as before. It basically covered everything; a short overview of what happens to the body during pregnancy, early signs of labor starting, stages of labor, birth, post partum, and basic newborn information.
My favorite part was getting to talk an anesthesiologist. I was a little nervous about getting an epidural before we talked to him. I knew I wanted to get one but the whole process kinda scared me. I'm not nervous at all now! I don't know why anyone wouldn't get one. The nurse teaching us said that almost all nurses and doctors are pro epidural now and they don't give awards to moms that decide to go all natural. I'm not bashing on mom's that do decide to go all natural. If you can go all natural...more power to ya! As for me I want to enjoy the birth of my son and not be withering in pain the entire time. I'm going to take full advantage of modern medicine.
They also took us on a detailed tour of L&D. We'd already been there 4 times sooo been there done that. But we did get to see the newborn nursery and NICU which we hadn't really seen before. That was cool. Jason will get to go there with Mason after he is born for his first bath and all that.
So the point is....if you're expecting, TAKE CLASSES!!! I am so happy I did and I know you will be too. 100% worth the time!!
34 Weeks Pregnant!
We made it 34 weeks! That was the first goal...go team prego! The next goal is 36 weeks. We've got about a week and a half until we reach that goal. I've had a feeling that I'm going to go past my due date though and this boy is gonna be over 9 pounds. Just a feeling...I hope I'm wrong for my sake!
Well as you know, we spent some time in the hospital last wednesday. Same old. Except this time my hand is not recovering as well from the IV as it usually does. The nurse had to stick me twice (once in my right hand and once in my left hand; she got it in my left hand) to get the IV into a vein. Unfortunetely when she was trying to do it the first time in my right hand she didn't get it and in an atempt to make it into the vein messed up a nerve and a tendon in my hand I think. It still hurts like someone is stabbing my hand if you touch it in just the right place. Plus the skin between my third and fourth finger is numb all the way a little past the nuckle. It feels really weird! I just keep hoping it will heal and I'm not stuck like this cause it hurts and feels really weird all at the same time.
As for the pregnancy, not much has changed. Mason seems to be doing well. He still gets the hiccups all the time and is kicking harder and harder each day. He does have his quiet days sometimes when he doesn't kick as much. I hate that, it always freaks me out! Soda usually gets him going though. He better enjoy the sugar rush now cause he is not allowed to have soda for a very very long time after he's born haha!
We are so anxious to meet the the little man! I want to see his little face so bad! I know he's going to be adorable! I guess in a way it's kinda good that we didn't get to do a 3D's going to be more of a surprise when we do get to see him for the very first time. It truely will be the very first time we see him. Definitely going to be a very special moment.
As for contractions, I had a bunch yesterday and then a few this morning but they seemed to have stopped. Sooo nothing came of that round. I didn't have to call my doctor since I'm now 34 weeks and we're only supposed to call if I think I'm actually progressing now. I'm not going to call until they are actually painful or very very very uncomfortable.
I'm sleeping much better now! Thank goodness! I still have to get up several times to pee but most nights I'm able to fall right back alseep. So happy! I'm definitely a much happier person when I get sleep. I'm not sure what it is, but whatever it is it can stay! I hated waking up at 2:30 am and not going back to sleep until 5 or 6 am! Yuck! I'm also usually able to take a nap in the afternoon again too. That's really nice...I missed my nap time! It sucks up an hour or two. With bedrest I get pretty bored so the more time that can be sucked up by a nap...the better!
I only have about a week and a half left on bedrest...praise all that is good!! The first thing I want to do is go for a nice walk and maybe go swimming (if I'm allowed)! And then go shopping! I have a lot planned. My mom and I are also gonna get Mason's room organized. Right now it is a disaster. I can't even go in there without getting stressed out. It's gonna be a lot of work but I'm so excited to get it done.
I have a doctor's apointment on wednesday so I might do a post about it that day or wait until the next day to do it with my 35 week update. We'll see.
Soooo check back for more updates!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Not In the Mood
So I know I said I would post my 34 week update today...but I'm totally not feeling it. So maybe I'll do it tomorrow. Idk.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Fourth Hospital Stay
Well I honestly thought we were going to make it until I deliver before we ended up back in the hospital. Wrong. We made it a little more than 2 weeks.
Yesterday I got really sick to my stomach in the afternoon. That always happens before one of these episodes, so I guess in the back of my head I kinda knew it was coming. It was just a matter of when.
Our air conditioner decided to stop working that day as well, so it was blazing hot upstairs (it's fixed now, turns out the filter was cloged or something like that). Thanks goodness the downstairs one still worked though! We tried to sleep downstairs but ended up having to move back upstairs about half an hour later because even though it was cool it was super uncomfortable. For whatever reason, when I lay on the sofa I can't breath, and I wasn't about to sleep on the floor. My hips would not have appreciated that.
So we packed up our pillows and blankets and went back upstairs into the burning hotness. We tried to fall alseep with our ceiling and floor fan on full blast. No such luck. Still too hot. So I took a cold shower, hoping it would cool me down enough to I could at least fall alseep. It did cool me down but unfortunetely I was unable to fall asleep because I started having these weird cramps. They were kinda like stomach cramps but different. Something just didn't feel right. I tired to ignore them but they kept getting worse, and then the contractions started with them.
Thinking it was maybe due to the crazy heat (it was 91 degrees upstairs) we packed up and moved back downstairs. We waited about an hour to see if the contractions would stop before we did anything. They didn't stop and this time I also had pretty bad cramps with them, so I drank a big glass of water as my last attempt of getting them to slow down or stop before calling the on call physician.
Needless to say...the water didn't work. I had to wake up our doctor around 3 am (I always feel bad whenever we have to wake her) and she told us once again to go to L&D. Had I been 34 weeks we would not have had to go, she probably would have told us to wait a bit longer until the contractions got stronger, then go. At 34 weeks she would not have stopped anything and we might have had our son. But because I was 1 day away from 34 weeks so technically still considered 33 weeks, we had to go and they had to stop the contractions. UGH!
So we got there and got into a room and changed and what not. I still was not dialated but was contracting every 2-3 minutes. At first we had a nurse that seemed kinda cranky. She wasn't very nice to us. Then the nurse we had last time came in! I was so happy to see her. She's my favorite nurse we've had! She said she saw my name and took over my care. I think her name is Sibhi. Love her!!
After monitoring me for a while, they decided to start an IV. Same old. She tried to do it in my right hand first...that didn't go so well. My veins are awful and she couldn't get that one. But before she gave us she wigled it around, trying one last time. It didn't work. It hurt SO BAD! Worst IV ever! Ouch. She was able to get it in my left hand though and that one barely hurt. I think I'm gonna have some pretty nasty bruises. Battle scars!
She also gave me the loopy medicine, which is the pain medicine with the muscle relaxer. It seemed to do the trick that time. No other medication was necessary this time. That was good. We got to go home 11 am.
As of now I'm not sure what is going to happen. I used to think Mason was going to come early but now I have no idea. With my luck I'll probably have to be induced and all this bed rest will be for nothing. Even though I have contractions, my cervix does not dialate, so that's why I have no idea what's going to happen.
As of now I'm feeling very frustrated and bloated. Those IV fluids make me so puffy! I feel like a fat marshmellow! Seriously. It's disgusting. Can't wait for all this swelling to go down!
If all goes according to plan, I'll post my 34 week update and breastfeeding class update tomorrow.
Yesterday I got really sick to my stomach in the afternoon. That always happens before one of these episodes, so I guess in the back of my head I kinda knew it was coming. It was just a matter of when.
Our air conditioner decided to stop working that day as well, so it was blazing hot upstairs (it's fixed now, turns out the filter was cloged or something like that). Thanks goodness the downstairs one still worked though! We tried to sleep downstairs but ended up having to move back upstairs about half an hour later because even though it was cool it was super uncomfortable. For whatever reason, when I lay on the sofa I can't breath, and I wasn't about to sleep on the floor. My hips would not have appreciated that.
So we packed up our pillows and blankets and went back upstairs into the burning hotness. We tried to fall alseep with our ceiling and floor fan on full blast. No such luck. Still too hot. So I took a cold shower, hoping it would cool me down enough to I could at least fall alseep. It did cool me down but unfortunetely I was unable to fall asleep because I started having these weird cramps. They were kinda like stomach cramps but different. Something just didn't feel right. I tired to ignore them but they kept getting worse, and then the contractions started with them.
Thinking it was maybe due to the crazy heat (it was 91 degrees upstairs) we packed up and moved back downstairs. We waited about an hour to see if the contractions would stop before we did anything. They didn't stop and this time I also had pretty bad cramps with them, so I drank a big glass of water as my last attempt of getting them to slow down or stop before calling the on call physician.
Needless to say...the water didn't work. I had to wake up our doctor around 3 am (I always feel bad whenever we have to wake her) and she told us once again to go to L&D. Had I been 34 weeks we would not have had to go, she probably would have told us to wait a bit longer until the contractions got stronger, then go. At 34 weeks she would not have stopped anything and we might have had our son. But because I was 1 day away from 34 weeks so technically still considered 33 weeks, we had to go and they had to stop the contractions. UGH!
So we got there and got into a room and changed and what not. I still was not dialated but was contracting every 2-3 minutes. At first we had a nurse that seemed kinda cranky. She wasn't very nice to us. Then the nurse we had last time came in! I was so happy to see her. She's my favorite nurse we've had! She said she saw my name and took over my care. I think her name is Sibhi. Love her!!
After monitoring me for a while, they decided to start an IV. Same old. She tried to do it in my right hand first...that didn't go so well. My veins are awful and she couldn't get that one. But before she gave us she wigled it around, trying one last time. It didn't work. It hurt SO BAD! Worst IV ever! Ouch. She was able to get it in my left hand though and that one barely hurt. I think I'm gonna have some pretty nasty bruises. Battle scars!
She also gave me the loopy medicine, which is the pain medicine with the muscle relaxer. It seemed to do the trick that time. No other medication was necessary this time. That was good. We got to go home 11 am.
As of now I'm not sure what is going to happen. I used to think Mason was going to come early but now I have no idea. With my luck I'll probably have to be induced and all this bed rest will be for nothing. Even though I have contractions, my cervix does not dialate, so that's why I have no idea what's going to happen.
As of now I'm feeling very frustrated and bloated. Those IV fluids make me so puffy! I feel like a fat marshmellow! Seriously. It's disgusting. Can't wait for all this swelling to go down!
If all goes according to plan, I'll post my 34 week update and breastfeeding class update tomorrow.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Missing Ohio
As you know from my previous post, my mom is in Ohio at the moment. My grandpa (her step dad) passed away. We usually make a yearly trip down anyway, but she went a little early to help my grandma get everything together.
I am so missing my grandma and Ohio right now. I wish I was there so bad! There is just something about that place that is so peaceful. It's in the middle of no where so there isn't much to do but that's the beauty of it.
I didn't get to go last summer because of the wedding and then don't get to go this summer due to bedrest. The last time I saw my grandma was at my great grandma's funeral (October 2009). She is probably coming here in the fall for a visit though. I'm definitely looking forward to it!
So I though I'd share a few pictures from previous trips...

I am so missing my grandma and Ohio right now. I wish I was there so bad! There is just something about that place that is so peaceful. It's in the middle of no where so there isn't much to do but that's the beauty of it.
I didn't get to go last summer because of the wedding and then don't get to go this summer due to bedrest. The last time I saw my grandma was at my great grandma's funeral (October 2009). She is probably coming here in the fall for a visit though. I'm definitely looking forward to it!
So I though I'd share a few pictures from previous trips...

Saturday, June 11, 2011
Wanted: Comfortable Sitting Position

I don't know what it is about today but I am seriously the most uncomfortable I have been this entire pregnancy. I seriously can not find a comfortable position. At this point I would even be happy with a semi comfortable position. My big baby belly is making this impossible though. I'm seriously almost to the point of tears.
Friday, June 10, 2011
33 Weeks Pregnant!
It's been a pretty quiet week. My mom went to Ohio to spend some time with her mom, so we had to send LuLu to stay with one of her friends until she gets back since I can't take care of her that the moment (bed rest). It's just been me and Dixie (the other dog) and the 2 cats all day. It gets pretty lonely and way to quiet!
I so wish I was in Ohio with my mom. I'm definitely not allowed to with this bedrest though. I miss my grandma so much!! She lives out in the middle of no where and it's so peaceful. I don't think I would be allowed to fly anyway, even if I wasn't on bedrest. Plus it probably wouldn't be the smartest idea to go that far away so close to the end of my pregnancy. I still wish I could have gone though...
As far as contractions go, it's been good. A few here and there but nothing consistent or very painful. Until today. I've been having them on and off all day but they never form a pattern. Definitely having more than normal though. I'm not really worried yet. Just kinda nervous that it's only the beginning.
I've been getting little headaches this week. I had a migraine on Tuesday but was able to take something and sleep it off. Since then it seems like I've been having a minor headache every day. Nothing I have to take medicine for, just a little painful annoyance. Here's to hoping those go away.
Yesterday I had this really weird pain in the left side. It felt like someone was stabbing me! It really hurt! But as the day went on it happened less and less and today I haven't felt it at all. It also decreased with the more fluids I drank. Sooo I'm not really sure what the heck that was. Weird.
I am SOOOOO uncomfotable. I seriously have yet to find a comfortable position to sit or lay in. Everytime I think I may have found one, 10 minutes later I'm uncomfortable again and have to move. Mason is up in my ribs or something and it hurts so bad plus it's really hard to breath. Oh the joys of pregnancy!
I think I've kinda figured out a way to sleep better at night. As much as I hate it...I don't take naps anymore. And I stay up until 11:30 pm-12:30 am. Late (for me...I used to go to bed around 10-10:30 pm)! But it's the only way I can get myself to sleep through the night. The only time I get up is to pee. So depending on how much water I drank before bed, that ranges between 2-6 times. So far it seems to be working, I sleep through most nights (kinda).
Mason seems to be doing great! He had crazy hic ups all day today. I think he doesn't like hic ups because everytime he has them he kicks really really hard! Like he's frustrated or something.
Everyday we get more and more excited to meet the little guy. Also nervous. I still don't feel prepared at all. Scary! I just keep hoping he likes me and I'm a good mom.
We are taking a breastfeeding class on Monday. That should be very informative. I have no idea what to do sooo it should help a ton on getting us prepared for that.
I was totally going to update yesterday (when I was officially 33 weeks; my weeks switch every Thursday) BUT the at&t people were here "fixing" a cable and totally wiped out our internet AND phone AND tv. So we had literally nothing! It was like the electricity was off...except we had lights. So boring! Last night after they killed everything they just left. They said it was because they "ran out of time" but I'm pretty sure that translates into they wanted to go watch the Mavs game. They came back this morning and after a day and a half we finally got it all back. Sooo I tried guys...maybe next week I'll actually get to update on time.
Check back for more updates : )
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
LuLu Got Groomed Today!!

LuLu went to the groomer today. We tried a new place that is just down the road. It's called The Mutt Puddle. I'm very happy!! We will definitely be taking her there from now on! She looks adorable!!
First off, LuLu is adorable all the time regardless if her hair is cut or not. BUT she looks even more precious now! We had them shave her very short and trim her face fur. She will be so much cooler and less stinky now. I can't imagine how hot that little girl must have been in this stinkin' Texas heat!
They even put these cute little bows in her fur behind each of her ears. She immediately took them off once she got home but for the split second they were on, she sure did look cute!
I love my little lovely LuLu!!
Swing! Thank You Jason!

For my baby shower, Jason got me the cutest swing! It's the Fisher Price Snug a Bunny swing/craddle! It's so cool! I'm absolutely in love with it. Plus it's gender neutral so all our little ones can use it!
If anyone is in the market for a swing, this one is awesome! We havn't used it yet (obvisiouly) but I'm already very impressed. It has several songs and noises and can swing in two differnt directions at several speeds. Also the super cool part is that is can turn into a craddle as well as a swing!
I'm so excited to use this with Mason! THANK YOU JASON!! YOU'RE THE BEST!! LOVE YOU!
Doctor's Appointment Update

I had a routine OB appaointment 7:30 in the morning! Holy cow, it's been a while since I've had to actually wake up. It was weird though. I think Mason knew we had an appointment or something because he woke me up at 6 am kicking up a storm. Which actually helped me get my butt out of bed on time. Sooo thanks son! But for real, I didn't even know doctor's offices opened that early! I guess when they see a billion patients (maybe a slight exageration) a day they have to though.
We were our doctor's first appointment of the morning, so there was so running late, which was great! Jason was able to come to the appointment and make it to work on time at 8:30 and everything. So that was awesome!
We got there, and only had to wait maybe 5 minutes. They weighed me. I've only gained 1 pound since my last appointment...YAY! That was 2 weeks ago. I'm supposed to be gaining a pound or 2 a week, so I guess that would put me a little behind but my doctor didn't seem concerned, so neither am I.
I left a urine sample...which I am a pro at now if I may say so myself. Some people may find this gross but whatever, don't read it then. Seriously, I am so good at peeing in a cup now. I guess that's because I have to do it at every single appointment. I have it down to an art!
My blood pressure was good; 128/63. It's had been high but now it seems to be normal. Thank goodness! Don't want to worry about preeclampsia! Seriously scary stuff. Plus they would take away my salt privileges. I don't think I could live without salt. I may be addicted to it. Which is bad, I know.
Then we met with Dr. Halderman. She made sure I was doing allright following the bed rest rules and all that. She asked about how I'm sleeping. What sleep? I am sleeping so bad. She said I could take tylenol PM. This excites me so much, but I don't know if I ever would take it. Maybe if I was super tired and just could not sleep. As a last resort. It's nice to know I can take some kind of sleep aid though.
She said I have to follow strict bed rest rules until I'm 36 weeks now instead of 34 weeks. I am so bummed about this, I could cry. I was so looking forward to being able to go to a movie or a restaurant in just about a week and two days. Now I have to wait about 3 more weeks. My first outing will be on our 1 year wedding anniversary, so that makes me ever more EXCITED for it! I seriously can't wait. So for now it's still "house arrest"...I mean bed rest.
Dr. Halderman also told us the rules change at 34 weeks. We don't have to go to L&D if I have 4 contractions in an hour after that. We only go if I think I'm actually in labor. At that point they wouldn't try and stop the contractions. So if Mason decides he wants to come out after June 16th, he's gonna get what he wants.
We listened to the little man's heartbeat for a bit, and then got a good to go. It's funny though, everytime I have a doctor's appointment, sometime within that week I end up in the hospital. We'll see what happens this time!
At checkout I got all of my appointment scheduled out until my due date. I go back twice more every 2 weeks and then after that every week until I deliver. Having all those scheduled feels good. We're finally at that stage where I see the doctor more often...nearing the end! Feels more real now I guess.
It was so nice to get out, even if it was just to a doctor's appointment. I'll take any outing at this point!!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Baby Shower
My baby shower was on May 21st. I had just been put on bedrest so I wasn't able to do much other than recline in a chair. That's ok though. At least I wasn't in the hospital and able to have a shower.
It was great! I'm so thankful for everyone who came! Especially Amy and Amanda for planning everything. You girls are great!
We had chicken salad sandwhiches, a veggie tray, and a fruit salad to eat. The chicken salad sandwhiches were so good! My mouth is watering just thinking about them! We also had the most amazing cupcakes made by Mattie. They were way cute too! And of course we had my favorite drink...lemonade!
Here are a few pictures:
It was great! I'm so thankful for everyone who came! Especially Amy and Amanda for planning everything. You girls are great!
We had chicken salad sandwhiches, a veggie tray, and a fruit salad to eat. The chicken salad sandwhiches were so good! My mouth is watering just thinking about them! We also had the most amazing cupcakes made by Mattie. They were way cute too! And of course we had my favorite drink...lemonade!
Here are a few pictures:
Friday, June 3, 2011
Third Trip to the Hospital and General Pregnancy Update
Sorry I haven't been keeping up with the blog lately. As you can see from my last post, it's been a difficult few weeks. 3 weeks and 3 trips to the hospital now...not fun. I'll try and remember everything but there is so much I'm bound to forget something.
Bedrest basically sucks. Simple as sucks. You would think it would be nice; you get to lay in bed or sit all day and do nothing. I hate it. I just want to go out and do something! I'm so sick of be cooped up all day long. Everyone keeps telling to use this time to rest and what not. Trust me people....if I could rest I would! Sleep is a distant memory now. Not to mention whenever I do fall asleep I wake up because I have to pee. And I am so freaking uncomfortable ALL the time now. I have to switch positions every few minutes. I know I'm doing this for the well being on my son but really it's getting harder and harder each day.
Saturday night (May 28th) I started having contractions again. These were different though, they were actually painful. Before they were just uncomfortable. So we waited 2 hours before we decided to call the doctor. She told us to go to L&D...big surprise. So off we went. We're regulars there now. Got there around 11:30 pm and all checked in and in the hospital bed by about midnight.
I wasn't dialated but my cervix was soft and I was having contractions every 2 minutes. They did a test to check for pre-term labor (again) and it came back positive (again). So they started and IV (again...I'm gonna start looking like a junkie lol) to try and get the contractions to stop. They also put pain medicine and a muscle relaxer in the IV. I was actually very thankful for the pain medicine this time around. Before I thought it was silly that they gave it to me, I really didn't need it. I needed it this time.
The contractions did not stop (again). I was so scarred they were going to do the magnesium sulfate again. I seriosuly don't know if I can handle that stuff again. So awful! When the nurse came in and said they were going to try a medicine called terbutaline, I was basically jumping for joy! She said she would give 3 shots of it over the course of a few hours. It's funny...I've been poked so many times I didn't even feel the needle go in (my arm). I did feel the medicine going in though, that burned/stung a lot. I didn't wasn't magnesium sulfate.
I was in and out of sleep the rest of the night. It was so strange the first muscle relaxer they gave me made me so tired and loopy and then the terbutaline made my heart rate very fast (it kept setting off the monitor) and made me shakey. Strange combination. Considering the circumstances I slept very well though.
The terbutaline took a few hours longer but worked. The contractions slowed around 4 am and eventually stopped. I didn't mind that it took longer...I'll take that over the mag. any day!! My doctor came and checked on me around 7 am. That was really nice of her because she wasn't even on call that day but she still came. I really appreciated that. Since my contractions had stopped she said she would get the paper work ready for me to go home. Yay!
We ended up getting home around 8 am ish. I think. I don't even really remember. The time is all blurring together. We went straight to bed and didn't wake up till 12:30 ish! That loopy medicine that knocks me out really stuck with me the whole day. I was exhausted and ended up sleeping most of the day. It also makes me really really really cranky. Sorry Jason!
Since then we've only had 1 close call. Wednesday night (June 1st) I started having really painful contractions around 11 pm. They never formed a pattern though. Super random. They would be 2 minutes apart then 5 minutes apart then 11 minutes apart then stop then start again. I really didn't want to go to the hospital and since they were not consistant we waited and they eventually stopped on there own. I didn't fall asleep until around 4 am that night though. So sleepy!
Hmmm...what else. Mason has been kicking like crazy! I think he's mad that he's running out of room in there so he takes it out on my sides. Little cutie! Whenever I see a baby I get so excited and just want my baby! But he needs to stay put till at least 34 weeks. He would be ok if he came now, but so small and would have to be in the NICU for a while. I just want him to be healthy. We're hoping he stays put till June 25th. We're planning on doing maternity pictures that day and it's also our 1 year wedding anniversary. Jason is planning a date (so excited!).
I sent Jason to Target the other day to get the stuff for our hospital bag and Mason's diaper bag. We decided it was time to pack that thing. He did so good! I felt so bad, he had to get so much girly things (you know what I'm taking about). What a trooper! He also got all the stuff we didn't have for Mason. Now we're basically prepared.'s all in a crazy mess BUT at least we have all the stuff. I can't wait to organize his room soon. Then I'll feel prepared. I think the only thing we don't have now is baby lotion and shampoo.
Jason got me the CUTEST diaper bag! I love it. It's a giraffe print with lime green trim. It's really big too, so it'll fit everything! I did some shopping on eBay (of all places) and got some super cute diaper bag accessories (pacifier pod, wipe case, diaper pouch, etc.). If you're looking for super cute, super cheap homemade baby stuff, look on eBay! I found so much! I also got my nursing cover on there. It's by Hooter Hiders HAHA love the name. I love it! It has these cute ruffles. I'll have to take pictures once everything comes in.
This is random BUT I love smelling Mason's CLEAN, UNUSED diapers. They smell SO GOOD! Like a little baby. That's probably why I love the smell so much. My motherly senses lol. Jason also got me deodorant that smells like baby powder and I want to sniff it all day. Everytime I get a wiff of it I get so excited HAHA! Also....his diapers are SO SMALL! It's so fun to think that soon his little baby booty will be in those diapers. So so so so so excited!
I had my baby shower on May 21st. I'll make a separate post about that though.
I think that's all I've got for now. I'll try and keep this thing updated from now on....
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