I've been feeling sooo much better this week! Thank goodness! Being able to rest more is really helping. Naps are my saving grace. I only got one migraine but was able to get rid of it with tylenol and a nap. No heavy meds! Yess!
The fainting spells are still happening but they seem to be only in the morning now. I know I just need to sit or lay down and drink some water when they happen. So those are basically under control.
I think I've been feeling more movement from baby this week. Still not positive if it's her/him or not, but I'm going to continue thinking it is! : )
I definitely feel like I have a legit baby bump now. I don't just look fat. Well, at least to me. Jason says it looks like a baby bump too. My clothes are starting to get tighter and tighter. I have a feeling I'm not gonna be able to wait till my birthday (mid march) to get maternity clothes. I'm gonna try though! We'll see how that goes. I already checked out some of the stores and I think the clothes are super cute and I'm really excited. Who doesn't like new clothes?!
Waiting for my next appointment has been driving me crazy! I can't wait to find out the gender! Everytime I look at baby stuff I get so frustrated because it's all so cute but so gender specific. So I have to wait. I told Jason that as soon as I find out, I'm going shopping. He said not to bring him cause he doesn't want to know how much I spend. Probably a good plan!
14 days till we find out our baby's gender! YAY!
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