Well looks like we may not have a picture for this week either! Sorry guys! Maybe later today.
Anyway! Baby is now the size of a sweet potato and is amazingly mobile; passing the time yawning, hiccupping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around baby's nerves and will continue to form for a year after baby is born. Go baby go!
We find out baby's gender TODAY!!!! So far most everyone (including Jason and myself) thinks she/he is a girl! We are so excited to see our little one again. Last time we saw her/him, she/he looked like a little blinking blob. Now she/he is actually gonna look like baby! It's going to be a very special experience. I can't wait!
I hope she/he cooperates so we can know the gender. I read that if you drink orange juice 30 minutes before your appointment, it makes the baby more active. I got some over the weekend and will definitely be drinking it before my appointment!
Hopefully I'll post the results tonight : )
Monday, February 28, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Valentines Day!

Jason had decorated the whole apartment with Valentines day decorations!! Best husband ever! I was so surprised!

Later that night he took me to olive garden. YUM! So good. Now if only I hadn't have gotten a migraine. Ugh! Oh well. I'm not gonna talk about that.
So thank you so much to my wonderful husband for making my Valentines day so very special! I love you Jason!!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
17 Weeks Pregnant!
No picture this week. Sorry! Next week for sure...
Well, I kinda let this get behind. Whoops! I'm almost 18 weeks now and just posting 17 weeks. One day I'll get this thing up to date!
So baby is now the size of an onion and has now mastered simple reflexes such as swallowing, sucking and blinking. Fat is starting to form under baby's skin and will continue to do so in the later months. Baby's skeleton is from soft cartilage to bone, and baby can move her/his joints. Sweat glands are also starting to develop.
I got a cold last Tuesday. That sucked. I'm still getting over it. It's one thing to get a cold be able to take something for it. But to not be able to taking something is miserable. Man it is not fun. So all of you people that get a cold and can take medicine but don't, I have no sympathy for you! Get over it and take the pills while you still can!!
The migraines have been pretty bad lately. I think it's because of the cold though. I really hope that's what it's from.
Let's just say I'm SO READY to feel healthy and good again...
6 days till we find out our baby's gender!
Well, I kinda let this get behind. Whoops! I'm almost 18 weeks now and just posting 17 weeks. One day I'll get this thing up to date!
So baby is now the size of an onion and has now mastered simple reflexes such as swallowing, sucking and blinking. Fat is starting to form under baby's skin and will continue to do so in the later months. Baby's skeleton is from soft cartilage to bone, and baby can move her/his joints. Sweat glands are also starting to develop.
I got a cold last Tuesday. That sucked. I'm still getting over it. It's one thing to get a cold be able to take something for it. But to not be able to taking something is miserable. Man it is not fun. So all of you people that get a cold and can take medicine but don't, I have no sympathy for you! Get over it and take the pills while you still can!!
The migraines have been pretty bad lately. I think it's because of the cold though. I really hope that's what it's from.
Let's just say I'm SO READY to feel healthy and good again...
6 days till we find out our baby's gender!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
16 Weeks Pregnant!

I've been feeling sooo much better this week! Thank goodness! Being able to rest more is really helping. Naps are my saving grace. I only got one migraine but was able to get rid of it with tylenol and a nap. No heavy meds! Yess!
The fainting spells are still happening but they seem to be only in the morning now. I know I just need to sit or lay down and drink some water when they happen. So those are basically under control.
I think I've been feeling more movement from baby this week. Still not positive if it's her/him or not, but I'm going to continue thinking it is! : )
I definitely feel like I have a legit baby bump now. I don't just look fat. Well, at least to me. Jason says it looks like a baby bump too. My clothes are starting to get tighter and tighter. I have a feeling I'm not gonna be able to wait till my birthday (mid march) to get maternity clothes. I'm gonna try though! We'll see how that goes. I already checked out some of the stores and I think the clothes are super cute and I'm really excited. Who doesn't like new clothes?!
Waiting for my next appointment has been driving me crazy! I can't wait to find out the gender! Everytime I look at baby stuff I get so frustrated because it's all so cute but so gender specific. So I have to wait. I told Jason that as soon as I find out, I'm going shopping. He said not to bring him cause he doesn't want to know how much I spend. Probably a good plan!
14 days till we find out our baby's gender! YAY!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
15 Weeks Pregnant!

Baby is now the size of an orange and hair is starting to grow on baby's head. Small blood vessels are starting to form. Baby can also sense light now and baby's taste buds are starting to form.
The migraines haven't been as bad. Resting more has helped a ton! The fainting spells haven't been as bad either. No walmart episodes!
I swear I can feel the baby almost everynight at least once to twice. I could be imagining it but I like to think that it's the baby. So that's what I'm going to believe ; )
20 days till we find out baby's gender! (even though we already think we know teehee)
Friday, February 4, 2011
The Storm That Shut Texas Down
Allright...it seems like every winter we have a winter storm that shuts us down for a day. Maybe 2. Maybe! It usually melts by the same afternoon.
Well...this one takes the cake! 4 freaking days! Are you kidding me?! I can't remember a time a place SHUT DOWN for so long due to weather. Keep in mind, I lived in MICHIGAN for 4 years! We had snow by the foot there. And yes, it did slow you down for a day or 2.
Texas can not handle this weather. At all! I think our state needs to invest in some better/more snow equipment. This is just ridiculous. The kids haven't been to school in 4 days. Which means I haven't left my apartment since my doctors appointment on Monday. Ahhh! I'm seriously going insane.
This is what we woke up to on Tuesday morning...

THICK ice! The "roads" were like an ice skating rink. Not passable what so ever. So it'll melt right? Wrong! Let's add the coldest temperatures in possibly Texas history. When I woke up Tuesday morning it was in the single digits and felt like -2!! So no...it did not melt. It hasn't melted.
So let's add this on top of the ice...

And this is what we woke up to this morning! Yep! That's about 5 inches of snow. Probably more. So much for the light dusting the weather people predicted. Now we have ice PLUS 5+ inches of snow on top of it.
Well...this one takes the cake! 4 freaking days! Are you kidding me?! I can't remember a time a place SHUT DOWN for so long due to weather. Keep in mind, I lived in MICHIGAN for 4 years! We had snow by the foot there. And yes, it did slow you down for a day or 2.
Texas can not handle this weather. At all! I think our state needs to invest in some better/more snow equipment. This is just ridiculous. The kids haven't been to school in 4 days. Which means I haven't left my apartment since my doctors appointment on Monday. Ahhh! I'm seriously going insane.
This is what we woke up to on Tuesday morning...

THICK ice! The "roads" were like an ice skating rink. Not passable what so ever. So it'll melt right? Wrong! Let's add the coldest temperatures in possibly Texas history. When I woke up Tuesday morning it was in the single digits and felt like -2!! So no...it did not melt. It hasn't melted.
So let's add this on top of the ice...

If we were in any other state that actually sees snow, this would have been taken care of on day 1. No big deal! BUT because live in Texas we have been trapped for 4 days.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Neurologist Appointment
I had my neurologist appointment yesterday. It went well, I guess. She can't do much for me since I'm pregnant; just told me to get riboflavin (vitamin B-2 I think?) and come back in a month.
She doesn't think it's a tumor or a clot or anything like that. Thank goodness. Just how my body is adjusting to pregnancy. Aren't I lucky? So no MRI to CT for now. If it doesn't get better, we may have to go down that road though. Let's hope not!
Honestly, I'm glad she didn't perscribe a bunch of medicine. I probably wouldn't have taken it anyway. If it were just me I was worrying about, then fine. Medicine it is! But I also have to worry about my baby. Everything I take, she/he takes too. I don't want to medicate my child.
We'll she what happens...
OH! I just wanted to thank everyone who wished me luck and prayed for me. You are all amazing! THANK YOU! It means the world to me! Really, it does. Also, thank you mom for taking me to all my appointments and being there for me. Best mom ever! Love you!
She doesn't think it's a tumor or a clot or anything like that. Thank goodness. Just how my body is adjusting to pregnancy. Aren't I lucky? So no MRI to CT for now. If it doesn't get better, we may have to go down that road though. Let's hope not!
Honestly, I'm glad she didn't perscribe a bunch of medicine. I probably wouldn't have taken it anyway. If it were just me I was worrying about, then fine. Medicine it is! But I also have to worry about my baby. Everything I take, she/he takes too. I don't want to medicate my child.
We'll she what happens...
OH! I just wanted to thank everyone who wished me luck and prayed for me. You are all amazing! THANK YOU! It means the world to me! Really, it does. Also, thank you mom for taking me to all my appointments and being there for me. Best mom ever! Love you!
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