Sunday, March 27, 2011
23 Weeks and 4 Days Pregnant!

Monday, March 21, 2011
22 Weeks and 5 Days Pregnant!
Mkay...no picture this week cause I feel like a huge fattie. This probably will be pretty scattered and I might forgot some stuff; I've had a migraine since yesterday. UGH!
Anyway. Baby Mason is now the size of a spaghetti squash and weights about a pound! Yay! His lips, eyelids and eyebrows are becoming more distinct. Inside Mason's belly, his pancreas is developing steadily. Go Mason go! We love you little man!
I had a great birthday! My mom made me beef tenderloin, mashed potatos, brocholi, and rolls. It was so delicious!! She also made me a chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting. Do I have an awesome mom or what?! Jason's parents also had a birthday celebration for me and his dad on Friday. It was really fun to get to celebrate my birthday with both families. Love you guys! Just think...next birthday I'll be able to celebrate with my little one!
We got lulu spayed (fixed) on Thursday. She handled the surgery really well. We got to take her home on Friday. She was SO excited to see me and my mom. Her incision looks really good and she seems to be leaving it alone, most of the time. She still tries to run and jump around so we have to keep her in her crate a lot more to keep her calm. She is a lot slower though. She's getting better everyday. LuLu should be able to return to normal activity by Thursday! So only 2 more days! You can do it LuLu!
I felt pretty good last week. Kinda tired from the time change. I've never had an issue with the time changes before but this one really hit me hard. I didn't sleep well all week and was exhauted. I got a migraine yesterday and can't get rid of it. I think it's from lack of sleep. I'm really hoping I don't have to take my migraine medicine. I hate taking that stuff!
That's all for now...
Anyway. Baby Mason is now the size of a spaghetti squash and weights about a pound! Yay! His lips, eyelids and eyebrows are becoming more distinct. Inside Mason's belly, his pancreas is developing steadily. Go Mason go! We love you little man!
I had a great birthday! My mom made me beef tenderloin, mashed potatos, brocholi, and rolls. It was so delicious!! She also made me a chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting. Do I have an awesome mom or what?! Jason's parents also had a birthday celebration for me and his dad on Friday. It was really fun to get to celebrate my birthday with both families. Love you guys! Just think...next birthday I'll be able to celebrate with my little one!
We got lulu spayed (fixed) on Thursday. She handled the surgery really well. We got to take her home on Friday. She was SO excited to see me and my mom. Her incision looks really good and she seems to be leaving it alone, most of the time. She still tries to run and jump around so we have to keep her in her crate a lot more to keep her calm. She is a lot slower though. She's getting better everyday. LuLu should be able to return to normal activity by Thursday! So only 2 more days! You can do it LuLu!
I felt pretty good last week. Kinda tired from the time change. I've never had an issue with the time changes before but this one really hit me hard. I didn't sleep well all week and was exhauted. I got a migraine yesterday and can't get rid of it. I think it's from lack of sleep. I'm really hoping I don't have to take my migraine medicine. I hate taking that stuff!
That's all for now...
Friday, March 18, 2011
Mason's Nursery Theme
I have the best husband ever!! For my birthday he got me baby crib bedding from POTTERY BARN KIDS! I have been eyeing this bedding ever since we found out we were pregnant. Soooo he surprised me and got it for my birthday! THANK YOU JASON!
We're going to do an elephant theme for Mason's nursery. I love love love elephants. They are so stinkin' cute! Perfect theme for my little man's nursery! I am so excited to start decorating. Won't be long before we'll have to have everything in order...
Here are some pictures from the pottery barn website of the bedding....

We're going to do an elephant theme for Mason's nursery. I love love love elephants. They are so stinkin' cute! Perfect theme for my little man's nursery! I am so excited to start decorating. Won't be long before we'll have to have everything in order...
Here are some pictures from the pottery barn website of the bedding....

Sunday, March 13, 2011
21 Weeks Pregnant!!

I got ANOTHER cold this week (second one in 3 weeks). I am so sick of being sick!!! I just want to be able to hear and breathe out of my nose. Apparently that is too much to ask of my immune system right now. It started on monday (3/7) soooo I'm hoping I'm completely better by my birthday this wednesday (3/16). We'll see.
We took a tour of our hospital yesterday. That was pretty cool. The birthing rooms are huge and really nice. I really liked them. The postpartum rooms not so much. But oh well. They are nice enough. I think we're going to start taking classes soon. So that should be fun...
We went to a store called kid to kid yesterday. That is seriously such a magical store! We got a play mat for Mason for only $20!! Those things are ususally over $100! It looks brand new too. We also got some super cute outfits. I am in love with this store! I think we'll be spending a lot of time in it haha.
I feel like my belly has really popped out this week. I love it. My belly button is also starting to get more shallow. I guess it looks normal now; before it was an EXTREME iny. My mom took me maternity clothes shopping for my birthday. She got me a bunch of super cute clothes. Thanks mom and dad!
My birthday is on Wednesday. I'll be 21! That is so crazy to think about. I can't believe I'm turning 21...weird! I'm pretty excited. My mom is going to make me a special dinner and one of her amazing cakes. Can't wait! I absolutely love her cooking.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
20 Weeks! YAY HALF WAY!!

Surprisingly, these 20 weeks went pretty fast! It didn't feel fast as the days were going by but looking back on it now, it seems fast. If that makes any sense at all haha!
This week baby Mason is the size of a cantalope and his skin is covered in a waxy-like substance called vernix which will protect his skin from becoming scratched or chapped. He is starting to produce meconium, which will accumulate in his bowels. Go Mason go! We love you little man!
I've been feeling great this week! It's been amazing! I'm actually starting to enjoy being pregnant. I only got 2 migraines which I was able to get rid of with just tylenol and that's basically it! Lets hope it stays this way...
I broke down and FINALLY got some maternity pants! Let me just say....I am in stretchy pants heaven! Oh man, they are SOOOO comfortable!! I have no idea why I waited so long.
We registered at BuyBuy Baby today. It was so fun but so overwhelming. So much baby stuff. I had no idea how much stuff babies need! I loved looking at all the cute little boy stuff though. Mason is gonna be on stylish little man...
I'll have to take pictures of the precious outfits I got Mason from target. So stinkin' cute! Maybe I'll do that this week and post with the next update.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
We're Having A...........BOY!!!
My appaointment was absolutely amazing yesterday!! The ultrasound was by far the best part! It was so cool to see how much our little man has grown! That's right...we're thrilled to announce we will be welcoming a baby BOY in July! There is definitely no mistaking that he is all boy! No doubts! The ultrasound tech didn't even have to tell us or point out he's a boy, once she got to the area it was so obvious before she could even say anything we all shouted out "it's a BOY!!!!" Sooo sorry we thought you were a girl, but we are so excited you are a boy!
Everything about him is perfect. Such a precious little blessing. He was measureing big so I have a new due date, a week earlier than the last. That makes me happy! So I'll be 20 weeks this thursday instead of 19.
We got to see our little man, Mason James (this is the name we decided on), doing all kinds of cute things like sucking his thumb and squirming around. He even gave us the thumbs up, as you will see in one of the pictures below. The orange juice did the trick, he moved around just right. Not too much but was defiintely active. I still can't feel him much but we found out why. I have an anterior placenta, which means that the placenta attached to the front of my uterus instead of the side. Not a problem at all, it just means there is a bit more of a cushion between the baby and me so it will be longer before I can feel him. I can definitely feel him when he kicks around on my sides or down around my bladder but nothing in the middle. Hopefully in the coming weeks that will change and I'll be able to feel him more.
Here are some of the ultrasound pictures:
Top view of Mason's face with his little hands on the sides.
Little foot.
Top view of Mason's face again.
Mason's profile.
Everything about him is perfect. Such a precious little blessing. He was measureing big so I have a new due date, a week earlier than the last. That makes me happy! So I'll be 20 weeks this thursday instead of 19.
We got to see our little man, Mason James (this is the name we decided on), doing all kinds of cute things like sucking his thumb and squirming around. He even gave us the thumbs up, as you will see in one of the pictures below. The orange juice did the trick, he moved around just right. Not too much but was defiintely active. I still can't feel him much but we found out why. I have an anterior placenta, which means that the placenta attached to the front of my uterus instead of the side. Not a problem at all, it just means there is a bit more of a cushion between the baby and me so it will be longer before I can feel him. I can definitely feel him when he kicks around on my sides or down around my bladder but nothing in the middle. Hopefully in the coming weeks that will change and I'll be able to feel him more.
Here are some of the ultrasound pictures:

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