That picture basically sums EVERYTHING up. That was taken when she was a baby but she is still the same a year later. I got my mom Jax Attacks (very appropriatey named) for her birthday last year. Little did we know, that cute little bundle of fuzz was going to be KRAZY! And yes, I spell crazy with a K because that's just how KRAZY she is.
Today (like everyday) I went to my parents house for lunch. As I was making my lunch I tired to open a drawer but it was stuck. So I tugged on it some more and got it open enought to see that JAX WAS IN THE DRAWER! Please keep in mind that these are very shallow drawers.
How the heck did she get in there?!! Visions of our cat, Jake (rest of soul), flashed through my mind. When he was little he climbed into our cabinets in our house in Washington and got stuck. My dad had to smash a hole in the cabinet to get him out. He was tramautized since. I was not about to let that happen to Jax attacks. So I had to grab her little feet and drag her out. She was not happy with me after that! Apparently she liked being in the drawer...
But for real, how the heck did she get in there?! My mom says she didn't leave any of the doors open. We may never know the secrets of that little beast...
She's not crazy all the time though. Well actually come to think of it, she's only not crazy when she's sleeping. Enjoy that cuteness that is Jax Attacks...