When I told Jason we can just take 121 to thier house, he did not beleive me. I was convinced we could do it! 121 was there! I saw it! Plus we were already right by 121. I was going to save us a TON of time. Go me!
Since Jason didn't see how it was possible that 121 could take us there, we decided to take the normal way we knew got us there. But in the back of my mind, I knew I was going to show him!
So we got closer and closer to the road and I got more and more excited. I had finally found a quicker way to get somewhere. This is not one of my strong points.
Finally we were there! I said "SEE! 121! TOLD YOU!"
Wrong. It was Dallas Tollway or something like that. Ummmm...blonde moment? Can I blame it on that? Please? At least it made us laugh : ) in fact I was laughing so hard, my stomach hurt! So it was worth it. Laughter makes your life longer you know.
So once again, Jason was right haha! I don't think I'll ever be good at this navigation thing. I still get lost with a GPS. UGH! Oh well...good thing my handsome hubby is familiar with roads! Jason 1...Sarah 0
So lesson learned! Just because it's a raised road does NOT mean it's 121...